Agave Road Trip

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Will drinking snake-venom mezcal kill you?

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If drinking mezcal that has snake venom in it killed you right away, there’d be a lot of dead people on the floor of the mercados around Mexico. But … could it be doing damage you don’t see right away? Our Chief Medical Correspondent, Dr, Ryan Aycock, the Cocktail MD, checks in for a check up in this episode of Agave Road Trip!

Agave Road Trip is a critically acclaimed, award-winning podcast that helps gringx bartenders better understand agave, agave spirits, and rural Mexico. It’s hosted by Lou Bank and Chava Periban. 

Episode Notes

Check out Simply Cocktails by Dr. Ryan Aycock!

Brewmeister Snake Venom Beer is a 67.5 % ABV beer from Scotland made by “jacking” — freezing the beer and removing the ice.

Snakebite envenoming is a neglected tropical disease that kills >100,000 people and maims >400,000 people every year.

Snake bites kill about 100,000 people a year worldwide. In the United States, only about 10 people die per year.

“Red on yellow kills a fellow; red on black, venom lack.” This general rule for identifying coral snakes does not apply to Mexican species, some of which have different color patterns.

Snake antivenom for snake venom induced consumption coagulopathy

No randomized, placebo controlled trials have ever proven that anti-venom works

Oral Tolerance Induction by Bothrops jararaca Venom in a Murine Model and Cross-Reactivity with Toxins of Other Snake Venoms

Former punk rocker Steve Ludwin has been drinking and injecting himself with snake venom for 30 years. He is now immune.

Can I drink spider or snake venom? Yes. Birds and lizards eat spiders all the time. Black widow venom would be broken down by the digestive process.

Crotoxin from Crotalus durissus terrificus Is Able to Down-Modulate the Acute Intestinal Inflammation in Mice

The antineoplastic potential of crotoxin isolated from Crotalus durissus terrificus snake venom on oral squamous cell carcinoma

Toxicology and snakes in ptolemaic Egyptian dynasty: The suicide of Cleopatra

Is there any whiskey in Fireball?

Flor del Desierto Veneno is cured with rattlesnake venom and aged for 3 months in bourbon barrels.

Are people really consuming alcohol through their buttholes and vaginas?