If They Kill NOM 199, will that Kill Uncertified Agave Spirits? (NOM mini-series #3 of 3)
Salvador Peribán Salvador Peribán

If They Kill NOM 199, will that Kill Uncertified Agave Spirits? (NOM mini-series #3 of 3)

NOM 006 defines what tequila is. NOM 070 defines what mezcal is. Bacanora has NOM 168, sotol has NOM 159, and raicilla … well, give raicilla a minute – they’ll get back to you. But every other spirit sold in Mexico is, in theory, defined by NOM 199. (Except pox – where’d pox go?) But in March 2021, the Mexican government proposed abolishing NOM 199. So where does that leave comiteco, charanda, xtabentún, aguardiente, and our beloved destilado de agave? In this third episode of our NOM mini-series, we speak with Alberto Esteban Marina, former Director General of the NOMs for the Mexican government and author of NOM 199, to get his thoughts on what exactly the abolition of Nom 199 could mean for all your favorite Mexican spirits.

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The Clay Copita: Authentic Hipster Culture?
Salvador Peribán Salvador Peribán

The Clay Copita: Authentic Hipster Culture?

A lot of mezcal enthusiasts drink their mezcal from clay copitas. Hell, we drink our mezcal from clay copitas. And we think that’s the best vessel for heritage agave spirits. But is it? And is it culturally authentic? Maybe … if you’re talking hipster culture. This and more in this episode of Agave Road Trip!

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Who Decides if it’s Mezcal? (NOM mini-series #2 of 3)
Salvador Peribán Salvador Peribán

Who Decides if it’s Mezcal? (NOM mini-series #2 of 3)

Mezcal is a Denomination of Origin, kind of like champagne. It’s controlled by the Mexican government, and that government gets to define what mezcal is. Then there’s a body that certifies mezcal, and since that Denomination of Origin has existed, that has been the CRM. But recent legislative changes in Mexico have opened up certification to three additional certifying bodies. In this second part of our NOM mini-series, we speak with Alberto Esteban Marina, former Director General of the NOMs for the Mexican government, about what these changes could mean for those bottles of mezcal on your backbar.

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The Diffuser: Nature’s Answer to Better Tequila
Salvador Peribán Salvador Peribán

The Diffuser: Nature’s Answer to Better Tequila

Tequila collectors the world over hate the diffuser, the industrial machine that is used to turn blue weber agave into tequila. So Chava and I attempt in this episode to show that the diffuser can be nature's way to make a better, more accurate tequila. Maybe because we're contrarians. Or maybe because science. Find out in this episode of Agave Road Trip!

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What’s in a NOM? (NOM Mini-series #1 of 3)
Salvador Peribán Salvador Peribán

What’s in a NOM? (NOM Mini-series #1 of 3)

Maybe you’ve noticed on the back of your tequila bottles there’s a number preceded by “NOM.” It’s there on the back of your mezcal bottles, too, but it means something different. Or maybe you’ve been in an online forum where agave geeks were posting about NOM 070, or NOM 006, or NOM 199. Well, that’s another shade of different again. But all those NOMs come back to one general idea: regulations in Mexico. Join Agave Road Trip for the first of our NOM mini-series — a primer on NOMs. I can’t promise there won’t be any garden gnome jokes, but I can promise they won’t be very funny.

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Drink More Wild Agave
Salvador Peribán Salvador Peribán

Drink More Wild Agave

Some people will tell you that agave is at risk of becoming extinct. They'll tell you that you should primarily drink mezcal made from farmed espadin. But we tell you, gringo bartenders, that if you love mezcal, you should drink more wild agave, and you should get your customers to do so, too. Find out why in this episode of Agave Road Trip!

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River Rocks, Mountain Rocks, Volcanic Rocks: Mezcal Rocks
Salvador Peribán Salvador Peribán

River Rocks, Mountain Rocks, Volcanic Rocks: Mezcal Rocks

We talk a lot about the 400 decisions that palenqueros make in the process of producing heritage agave spirits. That’s the result of using pre-industrial methods in fermentation and distillation … but also in that first stage of production when you cook the agave to convert the fructans into fermentable sugars. Maybe it seems like, okay, you cook it underground in a stone-lined earthen oven. But what kind of stones you use in that oven can have a serious impact on how your mezcal tastes, Join Agave Road Trip for a conversation about river rocks, mountain rocks, and volcanic rocks, and what they can mean to that spirit you’re drinking.

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What’s Smoke Got to Do with It?
Salvador Peribán Salvador Peribán

What’s Smoke Got to Do with It?

Before you can ferment those agaves to make alcohol, you’ve got to convert the carbohydrates into sugars. One way to do that is cooking. And one way to cook the agave is underground. And, yep, there are lots of ways to do that, which leads us to the question, Do mezcaleros need to know how many grams of smoke per kilo are in their cooked agave? Find out in “What’s Smoke Got to Do with It?” — the latest episode of Agave Road Trip!

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Looks Like Mexico, Tastes Like India
Salvador Peribán Salvador Peribán

Looks Like Mexico, Tastes Like India

Clay fermentation vessels … wood-fired pot stills … glass garafones filled with clear liquid. From the pictures you might think you’re looking at heritage agave spirits in rural Mexico. But in fact, you’re looking at heritage feni being made in rural India. Learn about another community using pre-industrial methods to ferment and distill spirits in this episode of Agave Road Trip!

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To Monte Alban Mezcal, with Love
Salvador Peribán Salvador Peribán

To Monte Alban Mezcal, with Love

Those school-boy days of drinking shots in parking lots are gone, but my affection for Monte Alban Mezcal will live on and on. In the mezcal-geek bubble that Chava and I travel in, you don’t hear a lot of love for the first mezcal most of us ever tried. But outside those circles? In the real world? Monte Alban is that best friend who can teach you right from wrong and take you from weak to strong. This golden-colored episode of Agave Road Trip is a love letter to Monte Alban — and it comes with a gusano in every download.

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Tequila vs Mezcal: The Rematch
Salvador Peribán Salvador Peribán

Tequila vs Mezcal: The Rematch

John McEvoy wrote what has to be the first English-language book for mezcal geeks: Holy Smoke! It’s Mezcal came out in 2014. So when John sent us an email complaining that we “left out the most important part” in our “Tequila vs Mezcal” episode … well, we invited him on to try to convince him that he’s wrong. Will it work? Can we change the mind of the man who goes by Mezcal PhD? Find out in this episode of Agave Road Trip!

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The Only Correct Way to Drink Mezcal
Lou Bank Lou Bank

The Only Correct Way to Drink Mezcal

If you’re not pouring a cross on the ground as a gift to the earth … if you’re not bowing to the south in gratitude to the land from which your mezcal came from … if you’re not performing a Mayan Cħa Chac ritual chant before that first sip, you may be drinking your mezcal all wrong. And if you’re drinking it in a cocktail? Be prepared for Mayahuel to have her vengeance. In this episode of Agave Road Trip, we walk you through the only correct way to drink heritage agave spirits — so you won’t anger heritage Mexican spirits.

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You Can Master the Strange Secrets of Mezcal!
Salvador Peribán Salvador Peribán

You Can Master the Strange Secrets of Mezcal!

Master this strange power! Sway others at will! This episode of Agave Road Trip shows you in just minutes how to use the mysterious power of Mezcal to influence the thoughts of others, control their desires, and make yourself master of every situation. You’ll make others love you; strengthen your own will-power; develop a magnetic personality; banish fear and worry; improve your memory; overcome bad habits; realize your ambitions; increase your salary. If you have an average active and intelligent mind, you can easily learn the secrets of Mezcal. Find out for yourself in this episode of Agave Road Trip!

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MEZcal or meZCAL? How Do You Pronounce It?
Salvador Peribán Salvador Peribán

MEZcal or meZCAL? How Do You Pronounce It?

Chava and I sit down with a couple of copitas of mezcal … or, rather, he sits down with a copita of meZCAL and I sit down with a copita of MEZcal. And we fight over how to pronounce it, whether it’s important to follow the native pronunciation, whether it’s acceptable to correct someone else’s pronunciation, and whether it’s ever acceptable to order guac. This and more in this week’s episode of Agave Road Trip!

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How Many Agaves Does it Take to Make a Bottle of Mezcal?
Salvador Peribán Salvador Peribán

How Many Agaves Does it Take to Make a Bottle of Mezcal?

It’s crazy enough to think that every other alcohol is made from a sugar source — like grapes, grains, grasses, and starches — that take, at most, a year to reach maturity. Most, in fact, are harvested at less than six months old. But agave takes anywhere from three to forty years to reach harvest age. But it gets even crazier when you realize how many agaves are used to make a bottle of mezcal! Find out the answer in this episode of Agave Road Trip!

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“Milpa” is Spanish for “Regenerative Viticulture”
Salvador Peribán Salvador Peribán

“Milpa” is Spanish for “Regenerative Viticulture”

If you dip your toe into the world of wine, some buzz phrases you’ll see are “regenerative viticulture” and “regenerative agriculture.” But, really, when you get right down to it, isn’t that really just milpa? Join us for a conversation about farming practices in Mexico, and about how those farming practices impact agave spirits, in this episode of Agave Road Trip!

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Mezcal 2099: The Future of Agave
Salvador Peribán Salvador Peribán

Mezcal 2099: The Future of Agave

When we talk about the future of mezcal, the conversation tends to revolve around our fears of agave extinction. But there’s so much more to speculate on! That’s what we do in this episode. What will production look like? How will it be delivered? And what are the delicious innovations we should expect? All this and more in the Mezcal 2099 episode of Agave Road Trip!

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Certified Tacos
Salvador Peribán Salvador Peribán

Certified Tacos

A number of restaurants in the USA are serving what they call tacos, but they’re skipping the certification process, so … should they be allowed to call their tacos “tacos”? Or should they have to call them “tortilla-wrapped meals”? We speak to the CRT (Consejo Regulador del Taco) to try to better understand the conflict in this delicious episode of Agave Road Trip!

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Another Freaking Gringo Looking for Jabali…
Salvador Peribán Salvador Peribán

Another Freaking Gringo Looking for Jabali…

For hundreds of years, mezcaleros believed that you could not use maguey jabali (agave convallis) to make spirits — it foams so much, both during fermentation and distillation, that it was thought unmanageable. It was, in fact, often used to make soap. But a couple decades ago, someone found a strategy to manage the foaming. Now gringos go crazy looking for the rare, wild destilado de jabali! In this episode of Agave Road Trip, we speak with maestro Felix Angeles about his jabali strategy.

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