A different approach to additive-free Tequila
The additive-free-Tequila movement was launched by Grover and Scarlet Sanschagrin of Tequila Matchmaker. As it’s gained steam, it’s gotten the pair – and the movement – sideways with the CRT, the body that regulates Tequila. How sideways? Well, it includes a raid on the couple’s home and threatening letters to brands who are using the “additive-free” language – or third parties using the language on their behalf. So what’s the solution? I think I have one, and explain it all in this episode of Agave Road Trip!
Agave Road Trip is a critically acclaimed, award-winning podcast that helps gringx bartenders better understand agave, agave spirits, and rural Mexico. This episode is hosted by Lou Bank with special guest Linda Sullivan of seynasecreto with wisdom from Tequila-geek royalty Khrys Maxwell.

The physical cost of pre-industrial Mezcal
I love these agave spirits that are made using pre-industrial methods, and I’ll often talk about the value – if not the actual cost – being greater because of the inefficiencies. But a cost that I’ve only recently recognized is the very real human cost.
Agave Road Trip is a critically acclaimed, award-winning podcast that helps gringx bartenders better understand agave, agave spirits, and rural Mexico. This episode is hosted by Lou Bank with special guest Linda Sullivan of seynasecreto.

How dangerous is Mexico?
When I tell people about my trips to Mexico, it's not uncommon for them to ask how dangerous it is. Chava and I debate the relative threats of Mexico in this not-approved-by-the-US-Department-of-State episode of Agave Road Trip!